I'm sorry I've been incommunicado for the last few days, my beloved readers, but let me explain.
Tuesday night (the night of my last posting) I'd felt a little tightness in my throat. It seemed nothing major, so I had no issues staying up until my usual 4 a.m. bedtime.
Wednesday I began to feel a little funnier. For some odd reason, despite a good night's sleep, I felt somewhat run down in the afternoon. Then I spent the better part of the later afternoon, evening, and nighttime preparing a presentation which I had to deliver on Thursday. By the time I'd wrapped everything up, I was pretty well beat, and completely OVER sitting in front of my computer typing things that made sense not only to myself but to others as well.
Thursday morning I woke up and felt pretty much like crap. I soldiered through the day, took a nap as soon as I got home from class, somehow made it through band practice (and only drank ONE beer at said practice, so you all know how I must have been feeling) and soon after I found myself in bed again. My head hit the pillow on Thursday night around 10:30, which is pretty much unheard of for me. What is even more unheard of is that I got out of bed at 2:30 this afternoon. That's right - I was in bed for roughly sixteen hours. This doesn't happen to me ever. Fortunately, my day-to-day this semester actually gives me a chance to sleep in and take care of myself when a demon virus decides to take on the usually staunch powerhouse otherwise known as my immune system. I believe I got it from my pops, who is still nursing the tail effects of the cold he got in Sweden. Like I say, they build everything better in Sweden, even viruses apparently. And believe me, this was a Volvo of a cold, folks.
So, I hope you can forgive me for not keeping you up to date with the inner workings of my mind, but considering the state I've been in since my last post, you'd probably just have musings about Raymond Carver's alcoholism, 80s pop culture references in Family Guy, and something about monkeys in underpants that went running through my head in the fever-addled hours of last night.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got to get some beauty rest before the prom.
oh yay you are still alive. btw i found those strawberry milkshake whoppers ;)
yayyyyy ur alive! i was worried. *smack*
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