Yes yes, you folks who hang their hat on technicality, I know these are really Monday morning thoughts, but as I have not seen the comfort of my bed yet this fine evening, it's Sunday night to me. So here goes...
Does anyone out there actually like Amy Winehouse? Yeah, she won a few Grammys, but from what I hear, the consensus is that she won because no one knows if she'll live to see another Grammy ceremony. I know that the paparazzi vultures are picking at her dead and decomposing status as "celebrity" (not to mention her de-composing face!) but really, folks like you and I.... do you know people who like her and listen to her music? Or has she been another victim of popularity where she had one success that put her on the map, only to have her physical and mental deterioration covered from every angle, like a hideous slow-motion train wreck? I think it's sad. I think it's also sad that she can't really sing to save her life.
Moving on... I dined at Little Star Pizza on Valencia this past Friday with Courtney. I've been to the restaurant once before, and I had a great time while being blown away by their amazing deep dish pizza. Friday night was a little different story. The pizza was still amazing. The immediate company was good. However, I thought I was in the "sanitary products" aisle, since everywhere I looked, I was surrounded by douches. Let me set the scene. For those of you who haven't been, it's a small restaurant with an equally small waiting area. I spent half the night blocking out the sound of maniacal cackling which seemed to follow me everywhere I went. I don't care how drunk you are, shit just isn't that funny. Yes, I was already in a somewhat antisocial mindset, but to be constantly jostled by half-drunk halfwits who think they're prince or princess fucking charming, it was just a bit more than this guy can take. So here's my advice: go to Little Star Pizza, just don't go on a Friday night around seven. I can handle crowds, but I can also shove my Chuck Taylor so far up your ass you can floss with my shoelaces. Fortunately you, dear readers, are all far too cool and civilized to be the butt of such a situation. Your choice of reading this blog alone has already elevated you over the miscreants I had to tolerate just to get a tasty slice.
Well, I'm off to go get some sleep so I can enjoy all the hijinx and shenanigans that your typical 27 year old graduate student can get into. That's right folks, I might just read in my house in the afternoon and read at the cafe at night OR I could get tricky, and hit the cafe in the afternoon while staying home at night. Ooooh, look out Cabo, the B-man is going crazy this year! I might even get really crazy and toss a shot of espresso in my coffee! San Francisco will never be the same after that....
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