As I have eluded to in the past couple of days, I am currently dog sitting. This little deviation from my usually freewheeling lifestyle has got me realizing how much this current situation is kind of like a bad relationship. Now hear me loud and clear: I am not complaining about dog sitting. I kind of enjoy it from time to time even. Yes, it puts a cramp in my style, and I'd never want a dog of my own, but I am always to help out friends (and in this case, friends' parents), but I am happy to help out when it works out.
Still, this quality time reminds me of why dating at times doesn't work out....
- She's a bitch (as in female dog, in this case, but you see where I'm going).
- She's needy: I have to take care of her, keep an eye on her as often as possible.
- She's clingy: I can't go anywhere in the house without her following me, and generally wanting attention.
- Our daily schedules are different: she's up by nine at the latest, so sleeping in until noon doesn't work well for her, so I get up earlier and am sometimes cranky as a result.
- I always have to surprise her: at least the pooch settles for treats.
- She chews with her mouth open.
- We're seldom on the same page: I want to sit on the deck, and she gets bored, when I want to leave, she wants to sit out on the deck with me.
- I have to take her out all the time: otherwise she'll get even more upset with me, and will give me an earful.
- She doesn't like me leaving her at home to go out with the fellas.
- Her heart really belongs to someone else, and I'm just a stand-in.
- We don't communicate well: she wants me to do things but can't express it right, and we both just end up frustrated.
And one that hasn't entered into my personal life (yet)
- She tries to run away from me to go chasing for pussy(cats): it's a battle I'll never win.
See what happens when I try to blog while I'm attending to other responsibilities? One thing I will say about being in school is at least I can blog about all the stuff I didn't bring up in class. When I'm on vacation like this, I can't exactly blog about my difficulty in deciding between a pastrami sandwich and hot dog for lunch (the pastrami sandwich won after very little debate) because, quite frankly, even I wouldn't read that tripe. I'm sure that tomorrow will at some point have a trip to the coffee shop, since I wound up throwing darts at the bar with the fellas on Sunday and didn't get coffee then.
PS - Don't ask why the dog has a Yoda costume on. It's just awesome, let's not ruin things with over-analysis.
that was a brilliant post, and pastrami always wins.
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