Anyhow, I noticed two very interesting things:
1) Far and away, the most popular and re-visited postings are my cranky old codger rants. Seems that an angry Bill is Bill at his top form. Seems to me that I have a knack for tirades that are at least moderately entertaining.
2) A vast majority of my older postings are friggin' entertaining. I'm not saying that the last few month's worth of posts, infrequent as they may be, aren't solid. But man, there was some grade-A dynamite back in the archives.
So in that spirit, I'm going to treat you to a little brief sendup of a new trend. I feel as if some time in the past I voiced my distaste for the high-waisted jeans that had crept into the fashion world like a year back or so. There are some things from the seventies that didn't need to come back, and those are definitely one of them in my book. Still, I was a good boy. I kept my mouth shut for the most part. I chalked it up to the fact that I'm a guy and I just didn't find them to be especially attractive on, well, anyone. But there's a new trend folks, and I get it even less: the boyfriend jean.
Yes, yes, yes, I get it kids. Androgynous dressing is all the rage. Hipster boys are squeezing into girls' jeans all over the place. Folks are looking to date others with similar builds so that they can double their wardrobe. I can hear the battle cry now: "gay guys have been doing it for years, why can't us heteros adopt the trend?" But folks, it's time to put my foot down. Take a look for yourselves:
I know, it's probably just a backlash against the insanity of skinny jeans, which have gotten to the point that they resemble sausage casings more than articles of clothing, but come on. Wearing baggy jeans with holes in them don't make you look stylish, it makes you look like you don't give a fuck about what you look like. It's ironic; isn't the baggy jeans/not giving a shit thing something that females have given guys grief about for years. If I showed up to work or to the bar or anything else, would I not be ridiculed if I had on baggy, ripped-up jeans? So how the hell does it work that because major designers suddenly said "get this look" and now every friggin woman is all abuzz about how wonderful it is.
Let me be blunt: ladies, when you wear jeans that appear two sizes too big and "distressed" you don't look hot, you kinda look like a hobo from the waist down. Especially when it's paired with some super-cool chic top and nice shoes.
In short, "boyfriend jeans" are cute when they're actually your boyfriend's. And even then, it's only cute to him. And it's only cute to him because when you're in his pants, that means he has a great chance of getting into your pants. And not in the hipster "I wear my girlfriend's skinny jeans because it might accent my junk" way, either.