Hey Kids, just a quick one before I call it a night...
I have had an ongoing thing with my friend Courtney about band names, and how she believes that having a long, drawn-out name or one that just doesn't seem to make much sense immediately gives them hipster cred. You know what I'm talking about... bands like:
- Margot & the Nuclear So-and-Sos
- Godspeed You! Black Emperor
- Les Savy Fav
- The Airborne Toxic Event
- Black Rebel Motorcycle Club
- Does It Offend You, Yeah?
(Yes, hipster mafia, I realize that the last two are references to a book and a movie, respectively. thankyouverymuch)
So you can really have some fun with your friends while you're sitting around killing time, or if you find you want to get a way to get your creative juices flowing, just start rambling some off. I'll get you started, and if you want, you can visit http://www.bandnamemaker.com/ for more fun times. A few starter ideas to get the creative juices flowing:
- Unicorn Warhammer (this was the name of a softball team for a few friends of mine... we won't talk about their logo)
- Alice in Wonderbra (alas, the ska band I never formed)
- The Girl in the Horn-Rimmed Glasses
- Nintendo Power Generation (though I'm sure this might raise some copyright issues)
- Horseshoe Crab Nebula
If you've got one (or several) hit it up in the comment section - I might talk a band into changing names, or you might be credited with naming the band, book, or anything else of someone you don't even know!
Have a good night, folks!
If I'm the only one to comment, do I win?
Hipster band name for the win: Time Capsule of Dust and String
Aaaaaaand it's a book reference, extra hipster points for me!
Way to go Liz, now I won't get any more comments on this post because you set the bar far higher than anyone could hope to meet....
... or has she? *dun dun dunnnn*
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