Friday, May 29, 2009

Just A Check Up

Hey all, I know I've been remiss as ever in this whole "I have a blog" thing over the past week or so, but I have actually been out catching up with my friends and partaking in some good old fashioned revelry. Truth be told, I think there's just a little part of me that is happy to know that I don't "have" to write anything if I don't choose to.

I don't want to bore you with specifics, but suffice to say I've been having a good ol' time. Alas, having a good ol' time doesn't make a lot of blog-worthy material, just long nights and less time to blog. But hey, cut your ol' boy a break - I've been doing a bang-up job of distancing myself from this computer while I have been out actually doing something mildly uncommon for a lot of us bloggers - I've been out interacting with people instead of staying at home and writing about it.

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