Okay, it's late, so I'll be brief. Number one topic for tonight is Karen O, lead singer of the Yeah Yeah Yeahs. I love the band, and she's a pretty decent singer. Now, I have a live bootleg of a concert they did a few years back, and I have to say, that girl annoys the hell out of me. I have seen videos and pictures in the past of her "crazy stage antics" but I have to say, plain and simple, I'm not impressed. Yes, she sings well when she's actually singing, and yes, I know that it takes more than talent in order to entertain people. But gargling beer and spitting it on the crowd, or deep-throating a microphone... it's more one of those "look at me" kind of things than it is an earnest attempt at entertainment.
The second topic is this: punk is dead. Sorry kids, but the only good punk that I've heard come out in a long time now has been from bands who don't take themselves seriously at all. Look at Me First and the Gimme Gimmes. They're geniuses. NOFX, one of the best punk bands on the planet. Even Against Me was pretty friggin awesome up until this last album. Still, none of these bands are really like the down-and-dirty punk bands that used to exist. There will never be another Sex Pistols or Misfits in our lifetime. Yes, I'd like to be proven wrong, but I just don't buy it as of the right now.
You may be wondering where that second point came from, so let me tell you. I was sitting on campus tonight having an early dinner when this kid whom I refer to as "young know-it all punk". I've had the misfortune of sitting near him once before when dining on campus, and the kid is a total approval-seeking showoff who thinks he's really punk. Not just punk, but the Henry Rollins young punk punk. He loves discussing (a) how much he smokes, (b) how much smarter he is than everyone, and (c) how much more punk he is than most people who try to be punk. Last time he was praising all the nasty stuff he hocks up every morning due to his nicotine habits. Today, he was bragging about how he got a concussion from a particularly violent pit over the weekend. I just sit back and roll my eyes. Yes, I've gone soft in my old age, and I don't have the deep and abiding love for punk I did when I was a teenager, but someone needs to lay a beat-down on this kid in a major way, then leave him to sit and think about how punk he actually is if some weak loser can kick his ass.
Wow, considering I'm in a pretty good mood, this has been an incredibly bitter and spiteful post. Sorry for that. To make up for it, I'll end everything with an NPC-classic joke:
Why did the koala fall out of the tree?
Because it was dead.
Why did Bill fall off of his new bicycle?
Because he got hit by the dead koala.
Why did Bill REALLY fall off his new bike?
Because he was laughing so hard at your comment
Pretty sad examples of Punk if you're going to say it's dead. There's the Adicts with the longest original line-up, there's the Casualties who just came out with a new album, look up Johnny Hobo and the Freight Trains. People who think punk is dead are people who don't listen to it.
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