With the exception of the frigid weather we're experiencing tonight, things have been on a warming trend today. There are a lot of implications that go along with a change in the weather, but the change I am most looking forward to is the change in drinks. I've been holing up a lot of this past winter re-acquainting myself with my old pal whiskey. It's a perfect drink for cold nights -- splash a little bourbon or scotch over the rocks, and despite the chill of the drink, it will still warm you up inside and out. There are also all those wonderful wintery beers to be had: porters, stouts, dark Belgian beers, the possibilities are limitless.
However, now that Summer is just around the corner, there are three words that I need to dust off before the warm weather hits: gin and tonic. That's right, dear readers, I can't wait for those lazy days of summer with a G&T in my hand, sitting on someone's deck or porch since I don't have one of my own, and just kicking back and relaxing. Granted, the summer beer selection lacks a bit; apparently there are some people who look forward to the return of Coronas as much as I do the gin, but I'll take a Pacifico any day.
One other little tip for the upcoming season that I'm trying to circulate: I am hoping to bring back the popularity of the Gimlet. There are a number of theories on just how the drink should be made, but in my book there is just one: equal parts gin and Rose's Lime Juice. You can serve them straight or on the rocks, but either way, it will do you well. I think they're the perfect summer cocktail, and are also popular when made with vodka.
And as a closing thought, just remember; nothing out there says "Good morning, summer" like a Bloody Mary. Its message has finally reached beyond "good morning, hangover" and I couldn't be happier. But do yourself a huge favor, and learn to mix your own, rather than using a mixer.
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