I did it for Facebook. Might as well put it up for public view here. It's little to no surprise that in addition to being about the millionth person to do one of these lists, I'm about the eight hundred thousandth blogger to post this with a similar intro paragraph. Oh well.
Here we go -- more than you'd ever want to know about the Bill. I was resisting doing one of these, but hey, I've been tagged in like 4 or 5 of these things now. This proves to be a tad more difficult since I've covered a number of different things in my blog from my dislike for Jared Leto to my literary tastes, even my pet peeves.
1. I received a recruitment letter to play the tuba in college, which led to a partial scholarship. Despite this, I've never owned a tuba of my own.
2. I own probably three times as many graphic t-shirts as I do socks. I own a lotta socks.
3. There's a decent part of me that is ashamed that I don't know how to speak or write Swedish.
4. I'm a snob. About a number of things -- music, food, grammar, you name it. I just have the common courtesy to keep things to myself.
5. Despite my seemingly outgoing nature, I'm really quite wildly shy. I think that explains the current state of my love life.
6. Of the standard run of alcohol one can find almost anywhere, I like vodka the least. I like whiskey the best. And of all alcohol, Everclear is the devil.
7. Seeing pictures of me from the age five or younger makes me almost want to cry every time.
8. I would drink even more coffee than I already do these days if my digestive system could handle it.
9. If I could eat three things for the rest of my life, it would be pizza, burritos, and steak. I would die happy and morbidly obese.
10. One more food one: I am a fan of peanut butter and orange soda. I don't know why, but it works. Don't knock it until you try it.
11. I've never broken a bone, despite a number of chips and hairline fractures. My knee, on the other hand, is a disaster area.
12. I was pretty much a self-motivated reader. My parents read to my older sister all the time as a kid, and she claims she's hardly finished a book since college. I've finished four in the last month.
13. I make up for rabid procrastination with excessive amounts of order and structure.
14. I'm not really a pet person. I love fishes. If I were to get a traditional pet, it'd probably be a cat.
15. I'm a die-hard baseball fanatic, but I've never played fantasy baseball. I prefer to enjoy the game for the game, not for the stats.
16. I don't feel quite as smart or as funny as I was about four years ago.
17. I obsess over my fingernails. I never let them get particularly long, and do all I can to keep them clean whenever possible.
18. According to my co-workers, I peel an orange like someone with OCD.
19. A whole hell of a lot of people have over-shared waaaay too much personal info to me over the years. 99% of the time I try not to reciprocate.
20. I've never felt a strong calling to do much of anything, I've always just been working on making due with finding jobs that keep me interested and involve things I believe I'm good at.
21. I had perfect attendance in high school.
22. When I get old, if I get old, I'll be a dirty old man who has earned that position.
23. I'm a dyed-in-wool loner. That's a big part of the reason that I don't do roommates. While I love seeing friends and spending time around those near and dear to me, I like to come back to an empty room.
24. I miss my old Cadillac more than I'll ever admit. A vast majority of my favorite memories of the past somehow involve that car. It was unreliable, and had a nasty habit of dying when I needed it most, but that car and I had a creepy connection to each other.
25. I quote stuff obsessively. From books to movies to poetry to TV. Some folks love it, some folks hate it.