Let me tell you something, folks, it's incredibly difficult to balance being a working stiff, a rockstar, a grad student, a blogger, and a regular joe. Unfortunately, it has become routine for me to get about a post a week, give or take, up here. Hopefully, once I wrap up my thesis (which will hopefully be sooner rather than later) I'll be able to focus more both on blogging and getting together with the people I care about. That's really been the big loss in this whole time crunch - I don't care all that much that I don't get a chance to blog as much as I'd like to; I really feel bad that I'm left with a week a night at the very most to see my friends.
See, I know I'm fortunate that I can see a number of them on a somewhat regular basis, but there are far too many of the rest of you that I don't get to see but once every two or three months at this point, and it's kind of starting to drive me just a little nuts. To be honest, for as much of a loner as I am, I still derive tons of pleasure in catching up with old friends, so right now I'm kind of up that silly little creek. I really feel like I have got to buckle down and get this thesis done ASAP -- while I have time to finish it at my leisure, it is just something that has been weighing on the back of my mind recently way too much, especially with things picking up at work.
So if you're reading this and I haven't seen you socially recently, I apologize. If you are reading this and I have seen you recently, thanks for working with my crazy schedule, and if you're reading this and we've got plans to hang out, I hope to high heavens that it all works out.
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