So anyhow... Not too long ago I returned taking the streetcar in to work in the mornings, after my CEO had ever-so-generously been giving me rides in the mornings. As deeply appreciated as it was, it's good to have the morning to read and shake the ol' dew off the lily. So part of the "joys" of riding the bus is the cast of characters I happen to share streetcars and bus stops with. One such public transportation utilizer I tend to wind up on a lot of trips with is a man who has earned the auspicious title "Snail Man".
Then, one day, as I'm walking down towards the bus stop, he is about ten or fifteen paces ahead of me. I find it a little odd that he seems incredibly focused on something along the wall [I should take a second here to insert the fact that I live across the street from a school and public playground, so there's a lot of plant life and all that]. So as I get a better look, I see he's picking up a snail and putting it on the top of the wall. Odd, but hey, whatever. Then he stops again, about ten paces later. And picks up another snail. He places it down on a plant just the other side of the wall. Then he picks up a third snail off the wall, and tosses it into the street.
I have kept my space a tad more, as I don't necessarily desire to be in especially close proximity to someone who chooses to handle snails when hand washing is not an immediate option. The other day, though, it was a bit more than I could handle. I am standing at my bus stop, as per the usual, and up walks Snail Man. It's just he and I, and as much as I am doing my best to ignore him, I can't help but see: he's put something down on the edge of the railing that protects me from being crushed by runaway vehicles. At least on the one side. But I get a glance at what he has placed on the railing.
It's a fucking snail.
This is not some impetuous "moving a snail along a wall where it already was" or "giving it back to nature" thing. This man, a seemingly normal individual, decided for some bizarre reason to pick up a snail, carry it from wherever he first got it, transported it across the street, to the bus stop, and was placing it somewhere unsuspecting where anyone could easily accidentally manhandle this poor snail. This, to my eye, is not normal. Then he proceeds to board the bus, hold the handrails with his possibly slimed hands, and proceed to what I can assume is his day's work. This is gross. This makes me want to vomit when I think about it. I mean, hell, hasn't he heard about swine flu? Maybe he's bearing some weird strain of snail flu. Either way, I have yet another reason to wash my hands vigorously any time I leave the bus. Thanks for that, Snail Man. And whatever you do, don't ever try to shake my hand. Because I won't.
On a completely unrelated note, I have added a little poll to the right hand side of the blog, below the links section, which is also recently expanded with some wonderful blogs from some wonderful people.