Well, I suppose it would be safe to say that all of last week represents a rousing failure in that "blog post every day" goal that I'd set for June. I suppose that's what happens when you pair family in from out of town with a general feeling of malaise and ennui.
I will say that in addition to a new tattoo and a fantastic piece of art that I got over the weekend, I did have a funny little tidbit to relate.
In the ever-fascinating world known as the internet, I happen across people from my past who I have all but put out of my mind. Naturally, many of those people who have not crossed my mind tend to be tossed in my direction via Facebook. I am constantly amazed at the random ability of this site to pick certain needles in haystacks and bring them to my attention. Tonight, for the first time in my membership of Facebook, I was recommended a seemingly random person, considering that we have no mutual friends or anything, just the fact that we "both went to SF State". You could say that about thirty or forty thousand people every few years, so tell me, Facebook, you wily dog, how in the world did you pick a girl I once dated and haven't spoken to in years? Yeah, you know the one - the random one who just literally stopped returning my calls and disappeared. How did you know, Facebook, that there was ever any connection between the two of us?
Well, maybe some other random girl from my past will start following me on twitter or something soon. Welcome to the oddness that is my life.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Thursday, June 18, 2009
The Benefits of Being Slow

I took what is pretty much my usual lunchtime trip to the coffee kiosk down by the office, and since this is part of my daily routine, the staffers know me by sight. Luckily for me, a handful of the coffee ladies are of the "cute indie girl" persuasion, so I also look forward to the chance to make with the nice-nice with a couple of wonderful young ladies while they make delicious, delicious coffee.
Now, before I continue, there's one aside that bears mention. As some of you may well know, I tend to be rather "punny" - I make jokes, oftentimes to myself, that tend to be met with resounding groans. Yes, even when I make said jokes to myself, I can't help but groan at them.
But back to the task at hand. Today I was at the kiosk, and the barista we affectionately refer to as Willow was working, so I was chatting with her a bit since I haven't been over to get coffee in the last two days. So we're chatting a little bit, and I'm as charming as I always am (though I reluctantly admit, I'm more charming in print) when she looks down (as I do) and notices that the milk she is steaming for my cappuchino has run over the side of the little pitcher she is steaming it in. She made some crack about how "that almost never happens to her" and I quip back something clever along the lines of "I have that affect on people." We complete the transaction, and I head on my merry way.
So as I am walking back towards the office, I think to myself "when that milk was puring over the side, I should have said 'my cap runneth over'... hurr hurr hurr...." Then I realized that from time to time, it is a very good thing that my mind is sometimes a step or two behind, since some of the shit that I come up with I would invariably end up saying out loud, and no one, and I mean no one needs that.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Scotty Iseri: Genius or Madman?
I have been singing the praises of Scotty Iseri to a number of my friends. If you haven't been among those people, I encourage you to laugh yourself silly while watching these videos. Start from the beginning, because it's worth it to epic proportions.
Yes, this is another lame excuse for a blog post, but it's late and I'm weary.
Yes, this is another lame excuse for a blog post, but it's late and I'm weary.
Monday, June 15, 2009
No News is Good News
Sorry about the quiet recently, but "Bill the blogger" got pushed aside by "Reverend Bill" for a little bit, leaving me spending most of my time writing a sermon rather than writing blogs. I've also spent pretty much 95% of the weekend running around taking care of wedding stuff, which leaves little time for being surrounded by crazies. I suppose that speaks volumes to my friends Pete and Sara, because their friends who were at the wedding ain't got no crazy on my coworkers and my fellow commuters.
If nothing else, I was able to at least log an hour or so in a dive bar. I didn't make it into the Mission, and I didn't go to any of the regular haunts, but it was kind of like a fun field trip to a new bar in a part of town I never hang out in. It's like an interesting anthropological study to see what type of folks hang out in other dives around town.
I realize this has been a bit of a lame blog, but I'm trying to make it to sleep at a decent hour, and as I'll be off having all-you-can-eat pizza tomorrow, I need to conserve my energy.
If nothing else, I was able to at least log an hour or so in a dive bar. I didn't make it into the Mission, and I didn't go to any of the regular haunts, but it was kind of like a fun field trip to a new bar in a part of town I never hang out in. It's like an interesting anthropological study to see what type of folks hang out in other dives around town.
I realize this has been a bit of a lame blog, but I'm trying to make it to sleep at a decent hour, and as I'll be off having all-you-can-eat pizza tomorrow, I need to conserve my energy.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Gas, Brake, Honk.
I was reminded of this fact this morning. See, I was walking towards work, which is almost directly across from an onramp for the Bay Bridge. I'm snapped out of my drowsy morning stupor by dueling car horns. As I look up, two very fine import cars are neck in neck coming up the street. Quickly, the issue is evident: the one in the onramp lane does NOT want to be there - they want to merge to the right and continue down the street. The second car is on the street and wants to merge left into the onramp lane. So essentially, they want to switch places. But here's the issue, gentle readers: neither of these cars wants to slow down to let the other one in. Quite the opposite, really. So how do they deal with this miscommunication/battle of wills?
By frantically honking at the other car while speeding way up. Because that makes sense.
Next thing I know, these two asshats are blowing down the street at about fifty miles per hour. The rest of the traffic is even hanging back because this can't end well. Finally, one of them slammed on the brakes and let the other merge. I didn't look because I didn't want to really witness the outcome, but I did hear the tires screeching to a halt.
So in the remaining half a block or so, I started thinking about it. Maybe there is a different code for people in cars and people on foot. I mean, naturally there is, because no pedestrian ever ran over a car and killed it, but you know what I mean. Then a sudden thought popped into my head.
My nightmare: horns for pedestrians.
And I'm not talking some little "beep beep" button or a bike horn. I'm talking about one of those gnarly pressurized air horns like boats have. Can you imagine that? Someone in front of you is walking slower and you can't get around, just reach in your bag or whatever, and honk the living fuck out of 'em. That will teach them to walk on your sidewalk! Someone brushes your shoulder as you pass them in the opposite direction "wauuuuuugh" and they will know just how awful they are. The possibilities are limitless, and if it ever happens in the real world, I would have to find some other means of going places than driving or walking, which might make things a little more... trying.
And I leave you with the words of the great sage Homer Simpson:
I pity those poor suckers on the freeway. Gas brake honk. Gas brake honk. Honk honk punch. Gas gas gas.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Unplug for a Little Bit
I know this will seem a tad strange coming from a guy with three laptops, but I have noticed more and more the insanity of people needing to be in front of their computers every damn minute of every day. Seems like almost every day I see more and more people on the bus working on their laptops with cellular wifi cards. I'm more than used to folks working in coffee shops, even bars from time to time. But let's face it folks, there's a bright and shiny world out there beyond the comforting glow of your monitor. It's not just the bus, it seems like everywhere I look, someone else is on a laptop somewhere. I see them when I walk around on my lunch break (granted, I work in the tech-laden neighborhood known as media gulch), I see them all over both airports and airplanes alike, but there's one place that I can't help but gawk: I have started seeing more bums with laptops.
Now here's the thing: I know it's not their fault. Even knowing that something is stolen, they're not exactly going to turn it down. I suppose I should be happy that the residents of my fair city aren't willing to buy clearly stolen goods. Still, I can't help but shake my head every time I see some dude pushing a cart or set up with a mess of sleeping bags in a doorway poking away at a laptop that's almost as nice as mine. Welcome to the 21st century. Next thing I know that crazy lady with all the cats will be asking me if I know about any good new apps for her iPhone that she can use for "whatever her that insane stammering, gesturing, and yelling was".
This isn't the guy I see around, but I'd be more than willing to lay a solid bet that this picture below was taken in San Francisco.
Now here's the thing: I know it's not their fault. Even knowing that something is stolen, they're not exactly going to turn it down. I suppose I should be happy that the residents of my fair city aren't willing to buy clearly stolen goods. Still, I can't help but shake my head every time I see some dude pushing a cart or set up with a mess of sleeping bags in a doorway poking away at a laptop that's almost as nice as mine. Welcome to the 21st century. Next thing I know that crazy lady with all the cats will be asking me if I know about any good new apps for her iPhone that she can use for "whatever her that insane stammering, gesturing, and yelling was".
This isn't the guy I see around, but I'd be more than willing to lay a solid bet that this picture below was taken in San Francisco.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
PDA Plague
On the bus in the morning there was one of those cute couples who commute together. Usually they're all fine, usually it's a little smooch as one gets off at their stop. Oh no, not today. Today there was a couple to the left of me who I swear were making out for a good five minutes. At 8:30 in the morning. I mean, I guess it's good that they both brushed their teeth in the a.m. and didn't have nasty morning breath, but dammit, do you have to do it in my line of sight? I'm just trying to read.
Then on the bus home, it was more of the same. Granted, there was a high school graduation letting out near where I catch the bus, but it went beyond that. I think I witnessed at least four couples making out at different times. That was augmented by the fact that at least two of those four couples involved either lap sitting or straddling (like the above picture, but on the bus. I feel bad for whoever got those seats next) which is just uncalled for in public.
So I put up with it for a little while, and I thought I was past it when I got to the show tonight. I waited in line to get into the venue, and I look behind me and what do my wondering eyes behold? A couple pushed up against the wall just fiercely making out. I get inside, I wait for the opening band to start. I look to my left: making out. I look to my right, a couple is all intertwined in each other. It was just a little bit more than this fella could bear.
So you wonderful folks, if you are lucky enough to have a special someone or even just an insignificant other to make out with when you so happen to choose, all I ask is have the decency to keep the public stuff more on the PG side, and save the hardcore face-sucking for more private quarters, where you are not around people with such a sensitive gag reflex. Thanks.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Jesus Loves Drum & Bass
I know it's a cheap excuse for a blog, folks, but alas it's late and I am completely bereft of ideas for the night. So with no further ado, I give you:
1) "Holy Ghost"
2) "Super Sunday"
These make me laugh uncontrollably. Have a great week.
1) "Holy Ghost"
2) "Super Sunday"
These make me laugh uncontrollably. Have a great week.
Friday, June 5, 2009
Last night I was reminded of a lesson I need to get refreshed from time to time:
When your employed friends all say "I'm going home" and your unemployed friends all say "Let's go to another bar" for the love of all that's holy, go home.
Five hours of sleep and sheer post-bar exhaustion is no way to face a Friday.
That is all.
When your employed friends all say "I'm going home" and your unemployed friends all say "Let's go to another bar" for the love of all that's holy, go home.
Five hours of sleep and sheer post-bar exhaustion is no way to face a Friday.
That is all.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
A Close Shave
If you know me or see me on a regular basis, you are probably well aware that the razor is no friend of mine. In fact I think I could probably count the times I've been full-on "clean shaven" in the past year on my fingers and not have it hinder my typing one bit. I generally keep my looks pretty clean, but I just don't really see the point of having that baby-bottom smooth face. I know it works for a lot of people, but especially when you are goateed like me, having a smooth neck is more of an afterthought than anything else.
Despite my personal feelings about facial smoothness, I was downright impressed the other day when a co-worker told me he was leaving the office on his lunch break to get what he affectionately referred to as a "real man shave". For fear of the fact that we were in San Francisco, and you generally are better off not inquiring into others' grooming habits, I did not ask him to elaborate. However, as is his style, he continued on. It turns out he was getting what I really believe is a real man shave -- he was going somewhere (a barbershop or tonsorial parlor I have to assume) to get a shave in the old-fashioned way: steaming hot towel, hot lather, and a straight razor. I suddenly hold this man in even higher regard than I did before.
See, it's not that I think it's so cool and kooky that he gets a shave like that from time to time, it's just that I find the whole "having someone shave you" be a very intimate experience. I haven't gotten professional shaves, but my barber has been known to do a little fine tuning on the edges and the neck with a straight razor, and the amount of trust I place in the man is through the roof. I mean, granted, I'm already putting a lot of trust in him to cut up my thick and luscious hair in the first place, but if he screws that up, I will just walk out of there kind of looking like a jackass. If he screws up a close shave, I might be walking out of there with a tourniquet. And that's the beauty of the "real man shave" - you are placing complete and total trust in someone who is an artisan in a lost art, and I know that had I the coin to pay for something like that on a somewhat regular basis, I'd be walking around the day of my shave with a swagger that would make John Wayne look like a prancing little dancer. Trying a shave like that on yourself, however, just seems foolhardy. These people are professionals for a reason, and it's hard to carry yourself with a cocksure swagger when you might need stitches for that gash under your chin.
See, it's not that I think it's so cool and kooky that he gets a shave like that from time to time, it's just that I find the whole "having someone shave you" be a very intimate experience. I haven't gotten professional shaves, but my barber has been known to do a little fine tuning on the edges and the neck with a straight razor, and the amount of trust I place in the man is through the roof. I mean, granted, I'm already putting a lot of trust in him to cut up my thick and luscious hair in the first place, but if he screws that up, I will just walk out of there kind of looking like a jackass. If he screws up a close shave, I might be walking out of there with a tourniquet. And that's the beauty of the "real man shave" - you are placing complete and total trust in someone who is an artisan in a lost art, and I know that had I the coin to pay for something like that on a somewhat regular basis, I'd be walking around the day of my shave with a swagger that would make John Wayne look like a prancing little dancer. Trying a shave like that on yourself, however, just seems foolhardy. These people are professionals for a reason, and it's hard to carry yourself with a cocksure swagger when you might need stitches for that gash under your chin.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
I'm amazed. I tried to set aside a little extra time tonight to the ongoing struggle of me versus my bedroom, and now that things are a tad more squared away and in order, I have noticed something: apparently I let off more dust than the average bear.
Inspired by last night's posting, I picked up my busted up old acoustic which I just have sitting out on a stand all the time, and I tell you this - it looked like my black shirt suddenly was cursed with bleach stains from all the dust that had accumulated (and then put itself on my shirt). So I started looking around, and my god. It's disgusting. Nothing negligent, not dust bunnies or anything, and I'm pretty darn vigilant about vacuuming and all that, but apparently I'm fighting the losing fight here.
But what gives? I have one small room. I am one single person. None of the windows open, so it's not like anything blows in here -- can one person really create this much dust? I don't even spend all that much time in here (though during that whole "thesis writing" thing, I did spend a little bit more time than usual burning the old midnight oil) but really, dust? You're going to play me like that? Coming up in my humble abode and just settling in like you own the joint?
I will leave you with the following words of wisdom, spoken by the character Mark from SLC Punk: "The earth has no way to clean itself. That is why there is so much dust." Paging science: get on that one, please.
Inspired by last night's posting, I picked up my busted up old acoustic which I just have sitting out on a stand all the time, and I tell you this - it looked like my black shirt suddenly was cursed with bleach stains from all the dust that had accumulated (and then put itself on my shirt). So I started looking around, and my god. It's disgusting. Nothing negligent, not dust bunnies or anything, and I'm pretty darn vigilant about vacuuming and all that, but apparently I'm fighting the losing fight here.
But what gives? I have one small room. I am one single person. None of the windows open, so it's not like anything blows in here -- can one person really create this much dust? I don't even spend all that much time in here (though during that whole "thesis writing" thing, I did spend a little bit more time than usual burning the old midnight oil) but really, dust? You're going to play me like that? Coming up in my humble abode and just settling in like you own the joint?
I will leave you with the following words of wisdom, spoken by the character Mark from SLC Punk: "The earth has no way to clean itself. That is why there is so much dust." Paging science: get on that one, please.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Yeah, I Play a Little Guitar...
Unfortunately, that's not necessarily the case so much these days. See, I've kind of become a bit of a bassist these days, and while that's a fantastic thing, I miss playing guitar. I still play a bit from time to time, but in the last eight or ten years, I have mostly limited my guitar playing to band practices. Now that I don't play guitar in said band practices nearly as often, I don't take enough time to sit down and crank out the music as much as I used to.
So what does this mean? Well, it just means I have yet another thing to do with the time that I don't really have all that much of. Still, I feel like I'm somewhat musically stagnated from a creative standpoint, and I think getting back in touch with the ol' guitar is exactly what I've been looking for. I mean -- look at this face, that sheer joy on my face...

You'll have to excuse if this was a somewhat lackluster posting, but I'm really just trying to get into the swing of nightly postings again. I'm setting a bit of a goal to write a post every day in the month of June, and so far I'm two for two, but I've got a little while before I start counting my chickens. But hey, is' a good start.
So what does this mean? Well, it just means I have yet another thing to do with the time that I don't really have all that much of. Still, I feel like I'm somewhat musically stagnated from a creative standpoint, and I think getting back in touch with the ol' guitar is exactly what I've been looking for. I mean -- look at this face, that sheer joy on my face...
You'll have to excuse if this was a somewhat lackluster posting, but I'm really just trying to get into the swing of nightly postings again. I'm setting a bit of a goal to write a post every day in the month of June, and so far I'm two for two, but I've got a little while before I start counting my chickens. But hey, is' a good start.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Re-focus Time
So again I've been afforded the time to blog, and I have noticed that more often than not these days, my issue in blogging has not to do with a lack of time, rather it has more to do with what I consider to be a lack of compelling things to write about. I've been going for the longest time with the byline of "Rants and raves. How to be Bill. The finer things in life and the not-so-finer things from my mind."
Alas, I started this blog back in the beginning of 2008, I was unemployed (somewhat happily so, but I do have to say that this whole "paycheck" thing does make life a lot more fun) and was sitting upon a world of free time. One of the beauties of having so much free time was my time to get out and mix with the fine and interesting individuals that reside in my fine home town. So here we are - a year and a half later, I am gainfully employed (due in part to this blog) and I have received my Master's degree. This is all well and good, but it doesn't make for a whole hell of a lot of interesting blogging fodder. So now, in the hopes of overcoming the writer's block I have been currently facing, I turn to you good folks. I somehow doubt that you really give much of a damn about the day-to-day of movie watching, book reading, or the everyday in and out of work. So the question is: what do you like to read from me?
It'd be good to get a little input to hopefully right the ship a little bit - get the ol' blog up and running like it was back in the glory days. Believe me, I want to be writing fun, witty, and entertaining postings as much as you want to be reading them. So hit me with a few suggestions, and hopefully I'll be back into the swing of things naturally anyhow.
Alas, I started this blog back in the beginning of 2008, I was unemployed (somewhat happily so, but I do have to say that this whole "paycheck" thing does make life a lot more fun) and was sitting upon a world of free time. One of the beauties of having so much free time was my time to get out and mix with the fine and interesting individuals that reside in my fine home town. So here we are - a year and a half later, I am gainfully employed (due in part to this blog) and I have received my Master's degree. This is all well and good, but it doesn't make for a whole hell of a lot of interesting blogging fodder. So now, in the hopes of overcoming the writer's block I have been currently facing, I turn to you good folks. I somehow doubt that you really give much of a damn about the day-to-day of movie watching, book reading, or the everyday in and out of work. So the question is: what do you like to read from me?
It'd be good to get a little input to hopefully right the ship a little bit - get the ol' blog up and running like it was back in the glory days. Believe me, I want to be writing fun, witty, and entertaining postings as much as you want to be reading them. So hit me with a few suggestions, and hopefully I'll be back into the swing of things naturally anyhow.
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