I took what is pretty much my usual lunchtime trip to the coffee kiosk down by the office, and since this is part of my daily routine, the staffers know me by sight. Luckily for me, a handful of the coffee ladies are of the "cute indie girl" persuasion, so I also look forward to the chance to make with the nice-nice with a couple of wonderful young ladies while they make delicious, delicious coffee.
Now, before I continue, there's one aside that bears mention. As some of you may well know, I tend to be rather "punny" - I make jokes, oftentimes to myself, that tend to be met with resounding groans. Yes, even when I make said jokes to myself, I can't help but groan at them.
But back to the task at hand. Today I was at the kiosk, and the barista we affectionately refer to as Willow was working, so I was chatting with her a bit since I haven't been over to get coffee in the last two days. So we're chatting a little bit, and I'm as charming as I always am (though I reluctantly admit, I'm more charming in print) when she looks down (as I do) and notices that the milk she is steaming for my cappuchino has run over the side of the little pitcher she is steaming it in. She made some crack about how "that almost never happens to her" and I quip back something clever along the lines of "I have that affect on people." We complete the transaction, and I head on my merry way.
So as I am walking back towards the office, I think to myself "when that milk was puring over the side, I should have said 'my cap runneth over'... hurr hurr hurr...." Then I realized that from time to time, it is a very good thing that my mind is sometimes a step or two behind, since some of the shit that I come up with I would invariably end up saying out loud, and no one, and I mean no one needs that.
1 comment:
You know, Bill, it's funny. You and I are a lot alike.
"Cap runneth over", hahaha, that's a good one.
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