Wednesday, January 23, 2008


As many of you out there know, I tend to frequent public places a lot. In these places, I seem to see a number of people who are there with their significant other. Now; I'm all for loving the one you're with, and I believe in tasteful shows of affection from time to time. But when I'm sitting in a coffee shop trying to read and enjoy a cup of coffee, and I have to see two people shoving their faces at each other like in the image provided at right, it makes me want to puke just a little. Maybe I'm overreacting. Maybe I'm just bad karma single guy. I don't know. All I know, is that if I see another two pairs of doe eyes looking longingly into each other for THREE FUCKING HOURS, I might just have to get up and leave before things get out of hand. Go ahead, grab butts, hold hands, hell, even cuddle in next to each other on the couch -- yes, even I know that's what it's there for and I feel that much worse when I have to sit on it by myself. Just save the saliva party for when you get home, or else you might just be dodging a mug upside your dome-piece.

1 comment:

HAT said...

I feel ya, Bill. Check this one out...