Thursday, January 31, 2008

Whatever you do...

Don't ever discuss the weather in public. It's just sad. Plus you run the risk of saying something dumb like "God, I'm so over the rain. It's been raining for like three straight days." Then I will publicly mock you in my blog. Yes, you So-Cal native girl outside the Cafe at State. Rain happens. And so does blog mockery.

I can understand discussing weather predictions, but never discuss the current state of weather. Granted, I'm the lame ass that would come up to a stranger and flirt by saying "hey, how's it going? It's raining, you know." So I'm really one to talk.

Dwelling on weather for just a moment... what the hell happened to El Niño? There's all this talk this year about "storm of the decade" and record rainfall and all that shit, but no one seems to be dropping that name like in the past. Fortunately, I have found that you can check the OFFICIAL El Niño day-to-day status right here:
What can I say? It's more interesting than watching grass grow or tracking the terror alert color.


Pete C. said...

You officially need a clever slogan tee, "Blog Mockery Happens". Thanks Bill, your Blog has just been added to my Favorites.

~B~ said...

Well, not to be too presumptuous, my good friend, but someone has a birthday coming up in a month... *wink wink*

Blog or not, good Pedro, you were added to my favorites some time ago.