Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Aye caramba.

I don't know exactly how this happened, but it's been nearly a week since I've been back to my darling blog. It's not that I don't have an excuse, what with everything that's been happening these days. Since I last blogged, I finished my first week of work, saw to it that my best friend got married, and survived the majority of a weekend on little more than grain alcohol and red meat.
I'm trying to be concise as possible, so I will spare details of the wedding and all the surrounding festivities. All I'll say is that it was a lovely day and I managed to work in a quote from On the Road into my best man's toast. I then got to spend far too much of Sunday evening related the complete minutia of every last little thing that went on.
As a bit of a follow-up, I have successfully attained jeans. Turns out Gap was the hands-down winner, and for the first time in my life I actually own two pairs of jeans at the same time. Maybe that explains all the odd weather phenomena that have been going down across the globe recently.
One recommendation: take a look at the trailer for the upcoming movie "Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist". How can you go wrong? It's got the chick from "40 Year Old Virgin" and "Charlie Bartlett" and Michael Cera, who plays a sensitive bassist. How can you go wrong??
Finally, I will pose one question: what's the deal with people who run? I understand that it's fantastic exercise, and that people who run tend to be in wildly more in shape than myself. Still, I find it interesting that people have a compulsive need to run. I know a handful of these people, they're kind of like gym rats as well, the type of people who don't think twice about it. I guess I just don't really know how they do it: I barely have time to blog, yet these folks have hours in their day to hit the heel and toe express. I guess it's all part of your priority system, since I am a sleeper and go do the coffee shop for hours at a time, but it still fascinates me. I see these people running by me on my way to and from work, and I have to ask myself "Shouldn't these people be working somewhere around now?"

Hopefully it won't take me six days to write again, but since no one I know is getting married this weekend, I might have a little more time to spend in front of the ol' laptop. I'll hit on some fun MUNI stuff soon enough - I'm cataloging in my brain as we speak.

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