Monday, July 6, 2009

Only in San Francisco

Part of my job these days is to email users of our website asking them if they would be willing to help out by talking a bit about our site and their experience using it for some TV and radio spots and whatnot. Earlier this week I was doing just that, and I emailed a user, who for anonymity's sake we'll call Anita. Anita had an email address along the lines of "Anita_hottie", which was compelling.

Anita was one of the first of our users to respond to the batch of emails, and said something to the effect of "I'd be honored to help you out, I love using your site. I'm just not sure that I'd be the right person to go on TV. But I guess we'll have to meet in person for you to see what I mean. Much love, Anita" or something like that.

Naturally, being the curious type, I couldn't help but do a little interweb-sleuthing. What did I discover?

Anita is a man.

Anita is a man who cross-dresses.

Anita is a man who cross-dresses like a schoolgirl.

Anita is a man who cross-dresses like a schoolgirl on a "sissy porn" website.

So yes, there we have it. Welcome to the constant oddness that is my life. I am trying to find some friendly and wholesome housewife type to say how happy they are with our site. What did I end up with? A man who dresses up like a schoolgirl and gets spanked on the internet. I love my life.


Jamie O said...

But is he hot?

~B~ said...

In two words: not really.