Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Minor Fail

Well, I made a tactical error in writing publicly that I would be able to achieve epic amounts of blogging this evening. I forgot one of the cardinal rules of the internet: never claim you're going to get something done, because once you hit "publish", the universe will conspire to keep you from achieving anything you have said you would.

Kind of like when I said tomorrow I was going to NOT become a millionaire....

So I'd cooked up this plan to write up a ton of blogs and pre-date them so that they'd publish throughout the week, since I know I won't have time to write much this week. Again. Then I came home, and the passenger door of my car was in pieces. So, since I cannot hardly write to save my life when in my humble abode, I got this blog done and that's it. Because I'm horrible and unproductive. But on the bright side, my passenger window now rolls both up and down. First time in... oh, a year and a half. Maybe more.

There is one thing I wanted to discuss tonight that I suppose ties in somewhat to my blog inabilities of the evening. See, no matter how much I want to or how much I may plan, I seem to lack the general ability to get to sleep at a time most people would deem "normal." See, I am a night person. You know that. You see when I usually write these blogs. Myself and night time go together like peas and carrots. But this is the thing: I've kind of been exhausted for a good two weeks or so. Tonight was one of those rare nights where I have not spent the night out somewhere. I did not have band practice. I didn't need to meet anyone for drinks (and yes, I do need that from time to time). I didn't have tickets to a show...

But guess what? It's currently 12:55 in the flippin' morning, and I am not asleep. I am horrible at this. Could I have written this anywhere in the five and a half hours since I finished dinner? Absolutely. Did I? No. Because apparently I have some dire need to make each morning at least as miserable as the morning before if not moreso. I know I wrote that blog about a month ago about that whole "getting up in the morning and being well rested" thing, and I believe that's probably the last time I woke up well-rested and chipper when waking up to an alarm.

Now if you'll excuse me, I think I'm going to go try to make up for my never sleeping. By sleeping. I hear it's the bee's knees.

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