Monday, June 29, 2009

Delinquent as Ever

Well, I suppose it would be safe to say that all of last week represents a rousing failure in that "blog post every day" goal that I'd set for June. I suppose that's what happens when you pair family in from out of town with a general feeling of malaise and ennui.

I will say that in addition to a new tattoo and a fantastic piece of art that I got over the weekend, I did have a funny little tidbit to relate.

In the ever-fascinating world known as the internet, I happen across people from my past who I have all but put out of my mind. Naturally, many of those people who have not crossed my mind tend to be tossed in my direction via Facebook. I am constantly amazed at the random ability of this site to pick certain needles in haystacks and bring them to my attention. Tonight, for the first time in my membership of Facebook, I was recommended a seemingly random person, considering that we have no mutual friends or anything, just the fact that we "both went to SF State". You could say that about thirty or forty thousand people every few years, so tell me, Facebook, you wily dog, how in the world did you pick a girl I once dated and haven't spoken to in years? Yeah, you know the one - the random one who just literally stopped returning my calls and disappeared. How did you know, Facebook, that there was ever any connection between the two of us?

Well, maybe some other random girl from my past will start following me on twitter or something soon. Welcome to the oddness that is my life.


Jamie O said...

Ah Bill!
So what's the tattoo??

~B~ said...

The picture is a little blurry, but it gives the full idea:


Jamie O said...

Oh, that's really cool!