Monday, March 10, 2008

So it's offiicial.

We made it through another winter. Daylight savings time is upon us, and tonight I attended the first (hopefully of many) barbecue of the 2008 season. It seems that we can finally pack away our long-sleeves and rummage through our closets to find that one pair of shorts that every San Franciscan owns.

So here's my question: what the hell happened? Where did this winter go? Yes, I lost like a week when I got a cold, but still, it never REALLY felt like winter all that much this year. Despite what the SoCal girl at the on-campus cafe might have said, we never really got that much rain. Yes, we had like those two or three day bursts of "storm of the decade," but other than that, we never had that week long period of hunkering down that I come to expect from winters in the city.

It's funny, as much as I am looking forward to the upcoming months, I also feel slightly out-of-sorts, as if I didn't get to finish what I needed to in the winter months. It's not like I had some grandiose projects or anything set up for the cold season, but still, I feel like I am entering this spring already behind on everything. That might just have more to do with my school schedule and the fact that The Lava Rats are working out or show schedule for the month of May right now, but I can't say for certain.

One more thing before I pack it in for the night: Death Cab for Cutie is much better than enough people give them credit for. I know the die-hard indie kids have shunned them because they sold out and have become popular and actually sell a lot of albums, but dammit, they're awesome. I have been a fan for a while, and really, I can't find much of anything that they've recorded which I don't dig. If you have their stuff, give it another listen, I think you'll be pleasantly surprised. If you don't have any, do yourself a favor and get an album or two.

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