Thursday, March 6, 2008

This and that

A few things that have been hanging around the old brain banana these past few days:

1) Progresso Italian Wedding soup is so frigging good, it should be outlawed. I don't know if it's just the fact that the can had been taunting me for like a week, or if I was especially hungry this afternoon, but I don't know if I've ever had a canned soup that amazing before.

2) What the hell is up with gas stations placing "charge limits" on their pumps? I hate going to the gas station in general, so when I go, I like to make sure I can go as long as humanly possible before having to go again. So when my car, which has shit fuel efficiency to start with, comes into the station and needs a lot of gas, as it is wont to do, why do I have to drive out of said station with 2/3 of a tank? If I need eighteen point three gallons of gas, why am I only allowed thirteen point six? Call me crazy, but I thought the whole idea of running a gas station was to MAKE MONEY, not to require people to swipe their card twice if they want to fill up.

3) I went to see The Raveonettes play at The Independent tonight, and it was one of the best shows I've been to in a long time. However, instead of gushing about the performance, I will share this observation: for single males, going to concerts is bittersweet. I go to shows all the time, so I know this feeling all too well. You go to the club, you see a number of attractive women milling about (unless it's a surf show, hardy har har). Pretty soon, the music starts and often times said attractive women will dance, or at least move in some way to the music. Then the show ends and everyone goes their separate ways. You've had the opportunity to ogle attractive ladies all night, but you can never talk to them. It's worse than a bar, because not only are you yelling in their face, but you're distracting said ladies from what they came to the club to do: watch the band. So you're out in a room full of women with whom you have at LEAST one thing in common with, and there isn't a damn thing you can do about it.

4) Patrick Swayze has pancreatic cancer. Nobody puts baby in chemo.

5) As per a conversation tonight, I don't like Stereolab as much as I'm supposed to. I was surprised to see that I actually own three of their albums. They're one of those bands that I'll hear in some context and love them, but seldom have the patience to really listen to.

6) There's a little part of me that would love to go into seclusion for about a week. You know what I mean -- no phone, no internet, no contact with ANYONE. Just have a chance to be alone with my thoughts for a goodly little while. The rest of me, however, is already lonely and doesn't want to exacerbate things.

7) I'm beginning to think that it might benefit me to make some efforts to return my daily schedule to something resembling 90% of people out there. I shouldn't consider it a chore to get out of bed before noon. I shouldn't be this awake at three in the morning. I haven't even had any coffee today. I had three beers this evening, and yet here I sit; awake, alert, and coherent. At least I think I am.

8) Apparently I have some uncontrollable need to laugh at overweight felines. I seriously spent like twenty minutes tonight looking at youtube videos of obese housecats, and I giggled my fucking head off the whole time. Hell, I'm giggling now just thinking about it. I have no desire for house pets outside of fish, but I get all goofy looking at fatass cats.

Okay, it's getting far too late, and I had hoped to be attempting to sleep almost forty five minutes ago. Oh well.

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