Sunday, March 30, 2008

Working it.

Sorry, dear readers. I know you seldom expect a Saturday night/Sunday morning blog, but seeing how this is the first Saturday night I've spent in for months, I figured I could at least blog about that. I am apologizing, however, because my blog will be brief. For the third time in the past week, I offered my moving services to good friends, and spent a great deal of the day schlepping boxes. Pete, Sara - don't go thinking I'm complaining, just stating the fact that my body is weary.

Anyhow, the day's work certainly put a bit of a damper on my usually gung-ho bargoing energy on Saturday nights. Rather, I spent the evening poking away at my computer, doing some reading, and catching up with some friends. And I guess I have to admit: it was kind of nice. Not to mention easy on the wallet. So if you're like me, and find yourselves out most every weekend mixing it up at the bars, take a week off and experience how fun it can be. If you're the opposite, and spend most weekends in, splurge a little and go tie one on (always within reason, of course). It's a fascinating little experiment to alter what can become routine for some of us.

I'll be back tomorrow evening with some recommendations of some new (and some not-so-new) music that has caught my ear in recent weeks. Until then, I'm going to take a nice hot relaxing shower.

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