Wednesday, July 2, 2008

A few things.

So it's July, which means it's thesis time for me. Alas, my summer is (kind of) over just as soon as it began. In some ways, it will even be good to have a little academic discipline to give some direction to the listing ship that is my brainpower this summer. Then again, there's a chance (Hector, if you're reading this, this is my not-so-subtle hint) that I may even be employed in a few weeks. But we'll see about that.

In the meantime, I want to give everyone a little recommendation -- watch Clone High. It was on MTV for a very brief season, maybe thirteen episodes, and never seen again. I take a little time here and there to spend a day or so watching it all, and I tell you, I'm never let down. A lot of the show is up on YouTube if you want to take a little time out of your "busier than mine" days and check a little bit. I hope you enjoy it even a fraction as much as I do. If you do, those crazy Canadians released it on DVD through one of their networks, and you can pick it up on Amazon for cheap.

Finally, the burning question that arose from a phone conversation with Courtney tonight. We Californians have a rich and exciting history. In part, that is why it makes sense to spend the duration of fourth grade studying California History. For you proud graduates of the California State University system, you also know that there is a California History component that has to be satisfied in order to get your diploma. So here's the burning question that gave rise to much debate: do all states study their own history so vigorously? For instance, my sister's fella is from New Hampshire. Is there enough NH history to account for an entire year of grade school history? What about Kansas? Besides the band that brought you "Carry On My Wayward Son", is there much to know about Kansas?


Jon said...

I thought that one of the funniest things about Clone High was that Mr. Belvedere robot who called everyone Wesley. That is so obscure and awesome.

~B~ said...

Interesting factoid - his original name was "Mr. Belvetron" not "Mr. Butlertron" but they had to change it for copyright issues.

KJ said...

Who is this amazing Hector and can he give me a job too?