Saturday, February 16, 2008

Not the way to start the day...

I am semi-nocturnal. I generally don't wake up before eleven or so, and this connects directly to the fact that I seldom call it a night much before three or so. As I eluded to in previous posts, I think it must have something to do with the feeling of peace and quiet I enjoy in those deep, dark hours of the wee morning. So, as always tends to be the case, last night I turned in late (or early, depending on how you interpret things).

Flash forward to this morning, around nine thirty. I'll set the scene. I'm fast asleep when I hear the doorbell off in the distance. Knowing that various packages should be showing up at my door any day now, I jumped out of bed, pulled on some clothes, and showed up squinty-eyed and wild haired to the door. What do I discover? That's right folks: Jehovah's Witnesses. Now, mind you, I am just as pro-Bible as the next person. I also understand that spreading the good word of all that you believe in is important. What I do not, however, is pulling a lazy sod like myself out of bed so you can tell me that, when the time comes, evil people will just disappear. It's nice that you believe that, but is it really worth me sacrificing my sleeping hours on a SATURDAY MORNING just so you can testify to me?

This experience led me to realize something: Jehovah's witnesses are the telemarketers of the religious world. People heed their ringing because they feel it could be anyone. They are excessively polite. They say that they hope they're not disturbing you, yet give you no "out" until they are done. Plus, they only come calling when they know they have the best chance of interrupting you -- Saturday mornings for the witnesses, dinnertime for the telemarketers. So here I am, it's eleven thirty in the a.m. and I've been awake for coming up on two hours. For a Saturday, this is NOT cool. Not cool.

Plus, as a final parting idea - I'm watching The Shining, and Shelley Duvall is one of the creepiest ladies I've ever seen on the big screen. There are even some points in the movie where I'm rooting for Nicholson. I'm telling ya, that kooky broad just ain't right. If you want to see just how nuts she is -- watch the special features. It's pretty amazing.
Also, on another Shining-related tip: if you ever want to look creepy, shave off your eyebrows. The bartender in the movie who talks Nicholson into going off the deep end has it, and it's not until now that I've been able to put my finger on why that is. Same thing goes for Robert Blake (who is creepy enough with eyebrows) in Lost Highway. Maybe that's what I'll do for Halloween -- wear my regular street clothes and just shave off my eyebrows....


Dallas R. said...

dude you HAVE to shave off your eyebrows

Jon said...

Wow, I've never been approached by a Jehova's Witness before. I've seen them in some of the neighborhoods where my friends lived in high school, but they've never visited me. I'd be kind of interested in hearing their spiel, I think. I mean, they're not gonna be racking up any heaven points by converting me or anything, but I'm kinda curious about their pitch.

Maybe one day.

That sucks that you got dragged outta bed that early, though.