Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Man, do I hate...

... the Tenderloin. I had practice with a band way down in the heart of the 'loin tonight, and despite the fact that I got a parking space almost right in front of the studio, it was still disgusting. I hadn't even stepped out of my car when some dirty vagrant with no teeth came up to my door telling me to be sure to lock it. Then he tried to hug me. Why is it I don't get hugs from people I don't and am bombarded with them when someone has just finished telling me how filthy they are? Why in the hell do insane people latch onto me like this?

... when vocalists try to cover songs that have a signature "sound" when they know they can't do it justice. Maybe it's not conscious at the time, but you have to take a step back and pass around at least a rehearsal recording to everyone you know whose musical tastes you trust before playing something out live. In particular, bands with REALLY unique vocalists, like The Smiths or Joy Division, should basically not be covered, because that's like being a backyard boxer trying to say that their knockout punch rivals that of someone like Mike Tyson when in fact, they're really Little Mac. You may be a hell of a vocalist (and I'm really one to talk) but there are some songs that just can't be improved no matter how great you are.

... my writing process. I love writing, and I don't even mind writing papers for school all that much, but I take SUCH a long time to get things going that I end up wasting waaaay too much time that could be better spent. And it's not like I can work or anything like that, because that would seem more like avoiding writing. Rather, I do something random to pass the time that requires next to no mental exertion so that I can claim I'm "assembling the pieces in my head first" which, for the most part, is a complete crock. What's worse is that I recognize when I do these things, but am either unable or unwilling to stop myself. If nothing else, I suppose I can get to bed at a more humane hour tonight so that I can actually focus and crank out a few pages tomorrow.

But, before I let you go, I feel obliged to bring it to your attention that my buddy Jon has started blogging again after a far too long hiatus. The link, as it has always been, is at right. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Jon said...

Ha, thanks Bill. I kinda copped out today, but things should pick up here soon.